Results for 'Icíar Carmen Jiménez-Barandalla'

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  1. Caracterización material y proceso de conservación de la Colección de documentos árabes manuscritos del Archivo Histórico Provincial de Granada.Teresa Espejo Arias, I. Lazarova Stoytcheva, D. Campillo García, A. Durán Benito & Carmen Jiménez de Haro - 2011 - Al-Qantara 32 (2):519-532.
    El texto que presentamos recoge las principales conclusiones que han derivado de los estudios sobre la Colección de documentos árabes del Archivo Histórico Provincial de Granada. Compuesta principalmente por documentos de carácter jurídico, el análisis del contenido de cada uno de ellos en relación con la materialidad del soporte y las tintas así como la coincidencia en el diseño y planificación de la página revelan el uso de idénticos protocolos de ejecución. Esta investigación nos está permitiendo, además, establecer coincidencias relevantes (...)
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  2. Educar a una mujer es educar a un pueblo.Carmen Jiménez - 2004 - Critica 54 (911):8-12.
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    Del funduq a la alhóndiga: un espacio entre el emirato nazarí y el reino de Granada (s. XV-XVI).María del Carmen Jiménez Roldán - 2019 - Al-Qantara 40 (2):315.
    El trabajo que presentamos tiene dos objetivos principales: primeramente, conocer las principales características estructurales y funcionales del funduq; en segundo lugar, observar la evolución tanto estructural como funcional que estos espacios sufrieron dentro y fuera del territorio islámico. Para ello utilizaremos la información arqueológica disponible que se complementará con algunos datos provenientes de la documentación escrita. Así conoceremos el funduq clásico, un edificio de planta cuadrada o rectangular, con patio central y uno o varios pisos, dedicados el inferior a cuadras (...)
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    Factors Influencing the Quality of Life in Rural Populations in Colombia: A Theoretical Review.Carmen Angélica Fonseca Corso, Martha Cecilia Jiménez Martínez & William Orlando Alvarez Araque - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1830-1848.
    The quality of life of rural populations in Colombia is affected by various problems, including poor living conditions related to limited access to basic services, education, health and economic opportunities. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify the most impacted dimensions in these rural contexts and to formulate guidelines to address the difficulties faced by their inhabitants. Methodologically, the research is framed within the qualitative paradigm, with a descriptive scope and is based on a review of existing academic (...)
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    Organisational Harmony as a Value in Family Businesses and Its Influence on Performance.M. Carmen Ruiz Jiménez, Manuel Carlos Vallejo Martos & Rocío Martínez Jiménez - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (2):1-14.
    The aims of this research were twofold: first, to compare the levels of organisational harmony between family and non-family firms and, second, to study the influence of organisational harmony on family firms’ performance (profitability, longevity and group cohesion). Starting from a definition of organisational harmony as a value and considering the importance of the management of organisational values, we use the main topics indicated by the general literature (organisational climate, trust and participation) to analyse organisational harmony, as well as three (...)
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    Intertextualidades fílmicas: Cinema Libertad o la tesis cinematográfica de Arturo Menéndez.María del Carmen Caña Jiménez - 2022 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (30):43-63.
    Las páginas a continuación giran en torno al salvadoreño Arturo Menéndez y buscan esclarecer el lenguaje cinematográfico del autor a partir del análisis de la intertextualidad contenida en Cinema Libertad (2009). En ellas arguyo que, en Cinema Libertad, Menéndez propone la tesis de lo que será su producción como cineasta y sugiere diferentes vías para la renovación estética y ética del cine salvadoreño. En Cinema Libertad, Menéndez aboga por la capacidad creadora del cine y la libertad artística del autor al (...)
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    El problema '0' en la resolución de conflictos. La no percepción, el no reconocimiento o la no aceptación del conflicto.Francisco José Campos Roselló, María Carmen Jimenez Antolín & Ricard Marí Mollá - 2006 - Polis 15.
    La primera cuestión a plantear en la resolución de conflictos es la percepción que las partes tienen de éste. Nos centraremos en el análisis del caso «0», en el cual las partes, o al menos una de ellas, no percibe o se niega a percibir el conflicto. Proponemos que este paso sea primero y prioritario para cualquier análisis de resolución de conflictos.
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    Behavior of Internal Customer in Family Business: Strategies and Actions for Improving Their Satisfaction.Santiago Gutiérrez-Broncano, Pedro Jiménez-Estévez & María del Carmen Zabala-Baños - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Teaching Reading: A Case Study Through Mixed Methods.Natalia Suárez, Juan E. Jiménez & Carmen R. Sánchez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Impact of the SENA Rural Entrepreneurship Training Program on the Development of Productive Units during the Covid 19 Pandemic in Colombia.Martha Cecilia Jiménez Martínez, William Orlando Alvarez Araque & Carmen Angélica Fonseca Corso - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1471-1488.
    Rural productive units represent an alternative for improving the quality of life in rural communities, but they require relevant training for their implementation and sustainability. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the business training processes offered by the National Learning Service (SENA) underwent significant transformations, which in many cases were not effective in consolidating these productive units. The objective of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of SENA training programs during the social confinement in Colombia and their impact on the development (...)
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    Is Reading Instruction Evidence-Based? Analyzing Teaching Practices Using T-Patterns.Natalia Suárez, Carmen R. Sánchez, Juan E. Jiménez & M. Teresa Anguera - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Factors influencing intention to help and helping behaviour in witnesses of bullying in nursing settings.Carmen Báez-León, Bernardo Moreno-Jiménez, Aldo Aguirre-Camacho & Ricardo Olmos - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):358-367.
    The role played by witnesses of bullying in nursing settings remains little studied, despite their potential relevance in explaining the onset and development of bullying. The objective of this study was to develop a model to account for witnesses’ intention to help and helping behaviour in response to bullying in a nursing setting. Three hundred and thirty‐seven witnesses completed self‐report measures of variables predicting intention to help and helping behaviour. A full structural model was constructed using structural equation modelling. The (...)
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    Elementos audiovisuales reutilizables como recurso de aprendizaje de las matemáticas en ingeniería.Ana Casanueva Vicente, Joaquín Bedia Jiménez & Carmen Sordo García - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-13.
    Tras la pandemia de la COVID-19 se empezó a potenciar el proceso de virtualización de contenidos de aprendizaje, que ha dado lugar al desarrollo de materiales audiovisuales de apoyo a la docencia. Estos materiales son a menudo vídeos de duración variable diseñados para complementar las estrategias tradicionales de formación y facilitar la adquisición de algunos contenidos de la materia curricular. El presente trabajo presenta una experiencia colaborativa entre docentes para la introducción de materiales audiovisuales como recursos para la educación universitaria (...)
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    Enseñanza aprendizaje de la higiene alimentaria en educación primaria: una revisión sistemática.Marta Castellar Cárdenas, María del Carmen Romero López & María del Pilar Jiménez Tejada - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-10.
    Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática siguiendo el protocolo PRISMA para caracterizar la producción científica de la didáctica de la higiene alimentaria en Educación Primaria. Se analizan indicadores bibliométricos y metodologías de investigación utilizadas. La búsqueda se realizó en la base de datos Web of Science. Solo 12 artículos cumplían con todos los criterios de inclusión. Hay escasas publicaciones sobre higiene alimentaria en la etapa, tratándose de estudios cualitativos, autoría conjunta y en su mayoría pertenecen al sector sanitario. Es necesario (...)
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    José Jiménez Lozano. Un lector español de Pascal.Carmen Herrando - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (4):1383-1413.
    The aim of this paper is to describe and analyse the presence of Pascal’s thought in the work of the Spanish writer José Jiménez Lozano (1930-2020). In fact, it could be considered that this writer is almost a kind of Pascal come alive, especially in terms of understanding and experiencing Christianity, since, for both Pascal and Jiménez Lozano, the orientation of the human soul towards God is not only a part of the essence of man but also is (...)
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    Learning, internalisation and integration of the COVID‐19 pandemic in healthcare workers: A qualitative document analysis.Eva Abad-Corpa, Manuel Rich-Ruiz, Dolores Sánchez-López, Carmen Solano Ruiz, Elvira Casado-Ramírez, Beatriz Arregui-Gallego, María Teresa Moreno-Casbas, Daniel Muñoz-Jiménez, M. Clara Vidal-Thomàs, M. Consuelo Company-Sancho & María Isabel Orts-Cortés - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12673.
    The COVID‐19 pandemic triggered an unprecedented health crisis that impacted healthcare systems worldwide. This study explores how Spanish healthcare workers learned, internalised and integrated values and work behaviours during the COVID‐19 pandemic and their impact on the personal sphere. This documentary research, using images, narratives and audiovisual content, was framed within the interpretative hermeneutic paradigm. Categories and subcategories emerged after a final theoretical sampling that focused on the analysis. Data triangulation between researchers favoured theoretical saturation. A total of 117 images (...)
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    Bayesian reasoning with emotional material in patients with schizophrenia.Verónica Romero-Ferreiro, Rosario Susi, Eva M. Sánchez-Morla, Paloma Marí-Beffa, Pablo Rodríguez-Gómez, Julia Amador, Eva M. Moreno, Carmen Romero, Natalia Martínez-García & Roberto Rodriguez-Jimenez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Delusions are one of the most classical symptoms described in schizophrenia. However, despite delusions are often emotionally charged, they have been investigated using tasks involving non-affective material, such as the Beads task. In this study we compared 30 patients with schizophrenia experiencing delusions with 32 matched controls in their pattern of responses to two versions of the Beads task within a Bayesian framework. The two versions of the Beads task consisted of one emotional and one neutral, both with ratios of (...)
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    Novel ethical dilemmas arising in geriatric clinical practice.Elisa Constanza Calleja-Sordo, Adalberto de Hoyos, Jorge Méndez-Jiménez, Nelly F. Altamirano-Bustamante, Sergio Islas-Andrade, Alejandro Valderrama, Carmen García-Peña & Myriam M. Altamirano-Bustamante - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (2):229-236.
    The purpose of this study is to determine empirically the state of the art of the medical care, when healthcare personal is confronted with ethical dilemmas related with the care they give to the geriatric population. An observational, longitudinal, prospective and qualitative study was conducted by analyzing the correlation between healthcare personnel–patient relationship, and ethical judgments regarding dilemmas that arise in daily clinical practice with geriatric patients. Mexican healthcare personnel with current active practices were asked to write up an ethical (...)
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    UREÑA, E.M.; ÁLVAREZ LÁZARO, P. (EDS.): La actualidad del Krausismo en su contexto europeo.Rafael V. Orden Jiménez - 2000 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 17:331.
    The most popular work of Francisco Sánchez, Quo nihil scitur (1581), transmits an absolutely sceptic thought. However, other writings like Carmen de Cometa anni M.D.LXXVII (1578), offer us different ideas about how Sánchez considers possible the scientific knowledge like, for example, his idea about the casual relations between natural objects.
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    Mª Del Carmen aparicio Valls, palabra de dios en palabra humana. La inspiración bíblica, madrid, biblioteca de autores cristianos, 2019, 144 pp. [REVIEW]Luis María Jiménez de Cisneros Ortiz - 2020 - Isidorianum 29 (1):195-199.
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  21. La teoría de la casualidad natural de Francisco Sánchez el escéptico.Rafael V. Orden Jiménez - 2003 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 20:247-267.
    La obra más popular de Francisco Sánchez, Quod nihil scitur (1581), transmite un pensamiento completamente escéptico. No obstante, otros escritos como Carmen de Corneta anni MDLXXVII (1578), nos ofrecen diversas ideas de cómo consideraba Sánchez que era posible el conocimiento científico como, por ejemplo, su pensamiento sobre las relaciones causales entre objetos naturales.
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    Suárez Dobarrio, F., Francisco Sánchez y el escepticismo de su tiempo.A. Jiménez García - 1989 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 23 (12):293.
    The most popular work of Francisco Sánchez, Quo nihil scitur (1581), transmits an absolutely sceptic thought. However, other writings like Carmen de Cometa anni M.D.LXXVII (1578), offer us different ideas about how Sánchez considers possible the scientific knowledge like, for example, his idea about the casual relations between natural objects.
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    Immanuel Kant. "Lecciones de filosofía moral. Mrongovius II". Edición bilingüe de Alba Jiménez Rodríguez. Ediciones Sígueme, Salamanca, 2016, ISBN: 978-84-301-1954-7. [REVIEW]Carmen Sánchez Polo - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (3):889-891.
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    (1 other version)Leoncio López‐Ocón Cabrera;, Carmen María Pérez‐Montes Salmerón . Marcos Jiménez de la Espada : Tras la senda de un explorador. 384 pp., illus. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Historia, 2000. [REVIEW]Jorge Cañizares‐Esguerra - 2003 - Isis 94 (1):168-168.
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    Culture and Well-Being: Anthropological Approaches to Freedom and Political Ethics.Alberto Corsin Jimenez (ed.) - 2007 - Pluto Press.
    The concept of well-being has emerged as a key category of social and political thought, especially in the fields of moral and political philosophy, development studies, and economics. This book takes a critical look at the notion of well-being by examining what well-being means, or could mean, to people living in a number of different regions including Sudan, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, India, Sierra Leone, and the UK. The contributors take issue with some of the assumptions behind Western concepts of (...)
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  26. Aristotle on Enduring Evils While Staying Happy.Marta Jimenez - 2018 - In Pavlos Kontos (ed.), Evil in Aristotle. Cambridge University Press. pp. 150-169.
    In what ways and how far does virtue shield someone against suffering evils? In other words, how do non-moral evils affect the lives of virtuous people and to what extent can someone endure evils while staying happy? The central purpose of this chapter is to answer these questions by exploring what Aristotle has to say about the effects of evils in human well-being in general and his treatment of extreme misfortunes.
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  27. Why a Trade-Off? The Relationship between the External and Internal Validity of Experiments.Maria Jimenez-Buedo & Luis Miguel Miller - 2010 - Theoria 25 (3):301-321.
    Much of the methodological discussion around experiments in economics and other social sciences is framed in terms of the notions of internal and external validity. The standard view is that internal validity and external validity stand in a relationship best described as a _trade-off_. However, it is also commonly held that internal validity is a _prerequisite_ to external validity. This article addresses the problem of the compatibility of these two ideas and analyzes critically the standard arguments about the conditions under (...)
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  28. Phenomenology of the Intersection between Body and World in Merleau-Ponty.Roberto Andres Gonzalez & Gabriel Jimenez Tavira - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (145):113-130.
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  29. Cuba: Primera infancia, niñez E investigación.Isabel Ríos Leonard & David Andrés Jiménez - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 1 (2).
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    Myth, Modernity, and the Legacy of the Axial Age: Taylor, Habermas, Assmann, and Jaspers.Carmen Lea Dege - 2023 - Journal of the History of Ideas 84 (4):743-773.
    This article analyzes the legacy of the idea of an Axial Age with a particular focus on Habermas, Taylor, Assmann, and Jaspers. I ask what has motivated the use of the concept and illustrate the ways in which it is situated in the twentieth-century debate on myth. I then respond to the limitations of the concept’s legacy and turn to two overlooked elements of Jaspers’s initial intervention: In contrast to the dominant discourse, he argued that myth changed its form and (...)
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    The Functions of the Spanish Approximators Como and Como Que in Institutional and Non-Institutional Discursive Contexts.Nydia Flores-Ferrán & Abril Jimenez - 2018 - Pragmática Sociocultural 6 (2):145-171.
    The Spanish approximators como and como que serve multiple pragmatic functions. They can be employed in similar contexts to express vagueness when speakers experience uncertainty or to hedge and avoid being straightforward. Furthermore, these forms can alternate according to context since they represent two ways of saying the same thing. This study investigated the use of como and como que in two speech events: narratives of personal experience and therapeutic interviews, which were generated by Spanish speakers of several varieties, educational (...)
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    Automating anticorruption?María Carolina Jiménez & Emanuela Ceva - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (4):1-14.
    The paper explores some normative challenges concerning the integration of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms into anticorruption in public institutions. The challenges emerge from the tensions between an approach treating ML algorithms as allies to an exclusively legalistic conception of anticorruption and an approach seeing them within an institutional ethics of office accountability. We explore two main challenges. One concerns the variable opacity of some ML algorithms, which may affect public officeholders’ capacity to account for institutional processes relying upon ML techniques. (...)
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  33. Belier, Wouter W. Decayed Gods. Origin and Development of George Dumézil's" Idéologie Tripartite".Ana Isabel Jiménez Sancristóbal - 1996 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 1:250.
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  34. ""As ideas de Darwin na sociedade galega 150 anos despois: está vivo o chamado" darwinismo" social?María Pilar Jiménez Aleixandre & Blanca Puig Mauriz - 2009 - In Francisco Díaz-Fierros Viqueira (ed.), O darwinismo e Galicia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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    Sobre la acción y el injusto penal en H. Welzel.Enrique Jiménez Benavides - 1997 - Santa fe de Bogotá: Ediciones Jurídicas Gustavo Ibáñez.
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    Spitzensport versus Studium? Organisationswandel und Netzwerkbildung als strukturelle Lösungen des Inklusionsproblems studierender Spitzensportler / Top-level Sports versus University Studies? Changes in Organizations and Networking as Structural Solutions for Inclusion Problems of Top-Level Athletes Who Work on a College Degree.Klaus Cachay, Carmen Borggrefe & Lars Riedl - 2007 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 4 (2):159-189.
    Zusammenfassung Spitzensport zu betreiben und gleichzeitig ein Hochschulstudium zu absolvieren, scheint unter den derzeitigen Umständen nahezu unmöglich. Der Artikel konstruiert dieses Phänomen der Unvereinbarkeit zweier Karrieren zunächst gesellschaftstheoretisch als Inklusionsproblem. Da eine merkliche Verbesserung der Situation der Athleten letztlich nur auf Seiten der Hochschule erwartet werden darf, werden anschließend aus organisationstheoretischer Perspektive die dortigen Möglichkeiten und Grenzen interner Strukturveränderungen reflektiert. Schließlich wird diskutiert, wie Hochschulen mit den Erwartungen des Spitzensports umgehen können und in welcher Weise sich im Rahmen von Netzwerken (...)
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    The role of thymidylate synthase as an RNA binding protein.Edward Chu & Carmen J. Allegra - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (3):191-198.
    Thymidylate synthase plays a central role in the biosynthesis of thymidylate, an essential precursor for DNA biosynthesis. In addition to its role in catalysis and cellular metabolism, it is now appreciated that thymidylate synthase functons as an RNA binding protein. Specifically, thymidylate synthase binds with high affinity to its own mRNA, resulting in translational repression. An extensive series of experiments has been performed to elucidate the molecular elements underlying the interaction between thymidylate synthase and its own mRNA. In addition to (...)
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  38. El Padre Mindán cumple cien años. Crónica de un homenaje entrañable.Antonio Jiménez García - 2002 - Isegoría 27:281-284.
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  39. Sobre el sentimiento–conocer y querer–en Zubiri.L. Jiménez Moreno - 1998 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 1:31-37.
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    Towards a Poliethics of Enhanced Responsibility.Carmen Madorrán Ayerra - 2018 - Social Philosophy Today 34:51-62.
    This paper aims at providing some insights into the philosophical tools that may help solve the huge problems of social justice. For that purpose, I focus on the concept of responsibility, since it could be a suitable catalyst for debate. This paper argues that we must necessarily develop an enhanced notion of responsibility and commit to it both at a social and institutional level. First, I will introduce the relation between ethics and politics—necessarily rather than contingently intertwined. I will elaborate (...)
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    De la analogía del otro a la responsabilidad infinita, entre Edmund Husserl y Emanuel Levinas.Alejandro Jiménez Restrepo & Nicolás Duque Naranjo - 2023 - Revista Filosofía Uis 22 (2):135-161.
    La presente investigación se circunscribe dentro del campo temático de la fenomenología trascendental de Edmund Husserl. Y tiene como objetivo el tratar de dilucidar dentro de la misma inmanencia de la experiencia trascendental del yo pienso, el modo no solo como surge la intersubjetividad, sino cómo este último concepto al igual que el de la egología, tienen como fundamento una noción de subjetividad moderna que por un lado, aparece dentro de la arquitectónica fenomenológica, como constituyente de sentido dentro de la (...)
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    Buddhist Approaches to Human Rights: Dissonances and Resonances.Carmen Meinert (ed.) - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    The demonstrations of monks in Tibet and Myanmar (Burma) in recent times as well as the age-old conflict between a predominantly Buddhist population and a Hindu minority in Sri Lanka raise the question of how the issues of human rights and Buddhism are related. The question applies both to the violation of basic rights in Buddhist countries and to the defence of those rights which are well-grounded in Buddhist teachings. The volume provides academic essays that reflect this up to now (...)
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    An efficient algorithm for searching implicit AND/OR graphs with cycles.P. Jiménez & C. Torras - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 124 (1):1-30.
  44. El rol de una comunicadora en España. Entrevista a Marta Ramos Matas.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2022 - Argus-A. Artes and Humanidades (44):1-5.
    Esta entrevista se realizó a la comunicadora española Marta Ramos Matas. En ella, expone las experiencias gratificantes que ha tenido al desempeñarse a nivel profesional, ya sea a través de la radio o el periódico a nivel. Para conseguir ese resultado, ella revela que le sirvió mucho tener como referentes a Àngels Barceló, Iker Jiménez, Carmen Porter y Alberto Matas. Por otro lado, ejercer esta función en su país es para ella ha generado percibir un alto nivel de (...)
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  45. Cuba's national food program and its prospects for food security.Carmen Diana Deere - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (3):35-51.
    Cuba's National Food Program aims to assure its population a minimum degree of food security during the current period of transition from dependency upon the ex-Socialist trading bloc. A number of important elements of the Food Program, however, were conceived before the demise of COMECON in an effort to deepen food import substitution. This paper reviews the degree of Cuba's food import dependence before the breakup of the Socialist bloc, the initial targets of the National Food Program, and how these (...)
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  46. John Stuart Mill: en el 150º aniversario de La Esclavitud Femenina.Juan Ramón Fuentes Jiménez - 2019 - Studium Ovetense: Revista Del Centro Superior de Estudios Teológicos Del Seminario Metropolitano de Oviedo (España) 47 (Feminismo social. Siglo XIX):93-145.
    El artículo de investigación rememora en 2019 el 150 aniversario de la publicación de John Stuart Mill titulada La Esclavitud Femenina (1869). Recorre los principales ejes temáticos del autor acerca de su idea de mujer, de la necesidad de liberar a la mujer e igualarla al varón en los terrenos de la familia, laboral, educativo y político.
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    Legal Positivism for Legal Officials.Felipe Jiménez - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 36 (2):359-386.
    This paper makes a conceptual prescription: it argues that judges and lawyers should adopt a positivist concept of law, on normative grounds. The positivist view, I will argue, is more consistent with reasonable disagreement and majority rule than nonpositivist views, offers a better view of law’s moral standing, and is more consistent with what Dworkin called ‘integrity’ than non-positivism. As the paper explains, this is an argument about what I call the ‘operative’ concept of law. As such, the argument avoids (...)
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    In the shadow of totalitarianism: Action, judgement and evil in politics.Carmen Lea Dege - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory:1-4.
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  49. Criterios de demarcación, pseudociencia y cientificidad en el derecho.Christian Escobar-Jiménez - 2018 - Cinta de Moebio 61:123-139.
    This article analyses the epistemic status of law and its presumption of being a science in relation with the so-called demarcation criterion proposed by different philosophers of science. Such criteria are the main analytical elements to differentiate scientific discourses from those who are not and the ones who pretend to be. In relation to those, pseudoscience and law are treated, to finally conclude with the exposition of the case of Daubert v. Merrill Dow Pharmaceuticals, in which a judicial process defined (...)
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    Reflexiones Sobre Las Narrativas Difundidas Por la Extrema Derecha Contemporánea Desde Hannah Arendt.Carmen Lúcia Costa Brotas - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7071.
    The informational disorder that permeated recent events such as the Brazilian and American elections, the pandemic crisis and the refutation of climate issues highlighted by several scientists highlights a complex phenomenon that presents itself with transnational characteristics, as it is experienced in societies on all continents. Therefore, this scenario has led social and international actors to reflect on this informational environment, seeking to understand its causes and characteristics and point out measures that can mitigate the harmful effects they are capable (...)
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